On potential futures

Third Round, Part 6

Down Arrow
What are the places we go while looking for space. What are the sounds we hear when we are tired of words / words no longer serve us. What are the sounds we hear, that have been heard, that have been the sounds. That have provided the soundtrack to the things we have seen and are continuing to see. That more than have previously looked are seeing right now. It’s always dusk for us. An eternity of purples and blues that offer a peace the bright cannot. In this space with these sounds I hope to find questions older than I have asked prior.

— Azikiwe Mohammed
Azikiwe Mohammed is a New York-based artist whose work spans video, photography, experience, and public arts programming. He thinks about how art can hand people back something they should have had in the first place, and what it means to have a good day. Mohammed's lens draws its focus to Black people, Black spaces, and unmet needs and wishes. His next project is his forthcoming The Black Painters Academy, slated to open in early 2021.
Azikiwe Mohammed headshot
Azikiwe Mohammed

With Azikiwe, we curated a selection of previous works that resonated with this time.

More works by Azikiwe